
    5 Fitness Lessons From The Greatest Celebrity Fitness Instructors

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    When it comes to working out, no one can teach you better than celebrity fitness instructors and trainers. And, because we won’t be able to attend gyms for a while due to the coronavirus, it’s time to get back into our at-home fitness routines. You may get inspiration for your everyday routines from Mumbai-based celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala’s HIIT rounds to Radhika Karle’s pilates sessions.

    HIIT your way through winter!
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    Karachiwala, a popular fitness trainer located in Mumbai, has a plethora of HIIT or high-intensity interval training sessions on his Instagram account. HIIT workouts consist of a series of brief bursts of high-impact activities followed by recuperation intervals. Begin your fitness adventure with beginning programmes, or choose leg day if you’re a seasoned master!

    Songs and Squats


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    Take cues from the trainer and let music influence you to keep your exercises enjoyable and motivating. Your favourite song will cause an endorphin release while you work up a sweat, making it a win-win situation for both the body and the soul.

    Combine Yoga and Cardio


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    Cardio yoga refers to yoga positions that include cardiovascular workouts that raise your heart rate. According to Deanne Panday, one of the celebrity fitness instructors and author, it may be “an incredible fat burner.” You may easily increase your BMI or body mass index while losing weight with this combo. It reduces tension while also strengthening the muscles in your arms and legs.

    Be A Pilates Girl


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    Pilates can be done at home if you didn’t previously know. No matter what your fitness level is, you may always begin with mat training. Add this workout to your regimen by following the advice of dietitian and pilates trainer Karle. “Pilates is for everybody and everyone!” writes Karle on Instagram. As there are no prerequisites, you may acquire this new talent through training sessions or online tutorials.

    Stability Ball Practice

    Working out with a stability ball not only strengthens your core, but also improves your general balance, flexibility, and coordination. Sohrab Khushrushahi, one of the internet celebrity fitness instructors, makes the case for this multi-faceted workout session. Given that we’ll be spending a lot of time at home, it’s time to get that ball.

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