
    Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Reason Behind Hair Loss And Its Remedies

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    Are you experiencing hair loss this winter? According to celebrity fitness expert Yasmin Karachiwala, here’s what could cause hair loss and its remedies.

    It is a widely held idea that if the hair is rubbed with excellent oil, the hair will grow thick and lustrous. Oiling the hair on a regular basis can help it to thicken and grow properly. However, you may be astonished to learn that famed celebrity fitness expert Yasmin Karachiwala does not agree. Yasmin Karachiwala, a fitness trainer who works with Bollywood’s best actresses to help them achieve a curvaceous body, is sharing essential hair growth suggestions.

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    Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Reason Behind Hair Loss And Its Remedies

    According to Yasmin Karachiwala, hair loss is a fairly widespread concern in today’s society. Hair loss makes you feel as if a part of your body is pulling away from you. People often believe that oiling their hair promotes growth. It may occur, but it is critical that you understand the major causes of hair loss and its remedies, and what we can do to promote appropriate hair development.

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    Yasmin explains the causes of hair loss

    According to Yasmin Karachiwala, there are several key causes of hair loss, the most prominent of which are-

    1. Smoking
    2. Genetic stress
    3. Long periods of hunger
    4. Poor diet
    5. Sickness
    6. Surgery
    7. Styling products for hair

    These few items might assist you in repairing your hair loss

    1. If you are concerned about hair loss, consider eating a high protein diet. For example, consuming milk, curd, egg, nut, cheese, chicken, and so on will provide protein to the body, which will enhance hair development and repair losing hair.
    2. More stress causes hair loss and its remedies may include limiting stress. Thus, if you want to maintain it healthy and retain the hair, limit the stress.
    3. Avoid using too many products on your hair and use the minimum heat to style it.
    4. Consult a dermatologist and take the advised medications if you are experiencing significant hair loss.
    5. For healthy hair development, take vitamins such as biotin, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
    6. You may also take care of your hair by following Yasmin Karachiwala’s advice because hair not only improves your attractiveness but is also a functional part of your body.
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