Protein supplements can help people who exercise regularly gain muscle and improve their athletic abilities. Protein consumption is critical for muscle regeneration activities, which are an important component of bodybuilding. While Whey protein is regarded as an ideal supplement for gym-goers who are putting in extra effort to accelerate their muscle-building goals —— it has been discovered that protein supplements have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.
For healthy people, a small amount of protein in a smoothie is not a big deal to drink on a daily basis. However, it is cause for concern when several daily protein supplements begin to replace other essential elements in the diet, such as healthy fats and fibre-rich, nutritious carbs. To avoid a nutritional imbalance or other, more severe side effects, it is important to balance the amount of protein consumed with other nutrients while exercising.
Whey protein is the most common protein supplement that is high in amino acids and contains a number of globular proteins extracted from the liquid substance found primarily in milk.
A high whey protein intake may result in headaches, diarrhoea, nausea, acne breakouts, stomachaches, weight gain, and bloating. These are some of the short-term negative effects of whey protein consumption, but some long-term side effects, particularly cardiac-related side effects, may be harmful to one’s body.
Why people with cardiac or renal problems should be extra cautious
People with cardiac or renal issues should be cautious about eating too much protein because their hearts or kidneys may have difficulty processing large amounts. Despite the fact that it is known to promote muscle formation, consuming it without exercise can cause it to behave abnormally and produce undesirable results.
The main issue is that excess protein from supplements is typically high in saturated fats, which can contribute to elevated LDL (low-density lipoprotein), or “bad” cholesterol levels. As a result, whey protein can have an effect on cardiac functions, alter heartbeats, and cause cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, and other serious heart problems.
The effects of protein supplements on the liver and kidneys
Furthermore, consuming whey protein without regular exercise may cause liver damage over time. Because the kidneys work to remove excess protein, taking too many protein supplements can dehydrate the body, increasing urine volume, calcium excretion, and plasma urea concentration. When our kidneys are unable to digest any more protein, our blood may become acidic, resulting in overburdened kidneys.