
    Ever Heard of Aqua Yoga?

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    If you are a water baby, you’re going to love what you read next. It’s true. You can feel relaxed and rejuvenated with aqua-exercises and say goodbye to body pain and soreness!

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    You might not know this but aqua yoga is a great way to cultivate balance and harmony in our body. Your body type and abilities do not matter here, all you will require is zest to put in a little effort.

    This alternative way assists in maintaining good posture, and avoids rusting of muscles and energy. It is a powerful technique for you to feel more connected to your body!

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    Are you wondering if floating in water will actually help your body relax?

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    Thermal aquatic bodywork is an effective pain reliever and healer. These exercises lessen our sensitivity to pain.


    If you constantly feel tired and sluggish then chances are your energy is being consumed by your body in a wrong manner. Aqua yoga will help balance the chi (life forces) and thus, result in relaxed physical and mental abilities.

    Apart from above, aqua yoga also helps in refining overall quality of life by:

    • Easing anxiety and stress
    • Improve sleep patterns
    • Reduce fatigue and tiredness
    • Increase body flexibility
    • Develop muscle tone and strength
    • Encourage body detoxification





    Aqua yoga should not be performed:

    • Directly after ingestion of alcoholic beverages
    • Under the influence of narcotics. If you suffer from following:

    – Respiratory problems (only with physician’s approval)
    – Hypertension
    – Urinary Infection, Herpes, HIV
    – Slipped disc
    – Ear or eye infection
    – High fever
    – Contagious skin disorder
    – Epilepsy
    – Pregnancy (only with physician’s approval)

    What else needs to be kept in mind?

    While aqua yoga will help you strengthen your muscles and increase metabolism, you should not forget to take care of your skin. Swimming and performing water exercises makes our skin tender and cause tanning.

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