So many fitness discussions seem to revolve around gut health. The microbiome, sometimes known as “the second brain,” influences more than simply digestion; it is linked to everything from hormone levels to defence and lifespan. Every nutritionist will tell you that keeping a healthy gut is critical.
Your gut is home to trillions of bacterial cells, many of which carry out vital roles to keep your body functioning and your health in tip-top condition. Too many bad or opportunistic microbes and you’re at an increased risk of inflammation and disease. Here are simple tips that will help you build a better gut.
Yoghurt contains germs that are beneficial to your intestines. It contains billions of such microorganisms, which can help to replace the flora of your digestive tract. It is also quite beneficial to your general gut health and should be included in your daily diet.
These bacteria, however, are not present in all types of yoghurt. To gain the digestive benefit, look for ‘live and active cultures on their labels.
Green leaves
The fibre content is one of the reasons why nutritionists love them so much. Fibre-rich meals benefit gut health in a variety of ways, including encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria and suffocating the bad guys.
Whole grains
Brown rice, oats, and whole-grain or whole-wheat bread are examples. They are high in fibre and hence beneficial in treating digestive issues such as indigestion, vomiting, and flatulence. You must not take them if you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
Bone broth
Bone broth is beneficial to the intestines because it has a high concentration of collagen. You may have heard that collagen smoothes wrinkles from the outside in, which is why it’s such a popular cosmetic component. Collagen, it turns out, assists your stomach in a similar way, which promotes digestion.
If you have a gastrointestinal ailment, the golden rule is to eat a fruit, a banana every day to keep it at bay. Bananas are highly beneficial in treating gastrointestinal disorders since they help restore bowel function and alleviate diarrhoea. They are high in electrolytes and potassium, which aid in the recovery of gut health.
Nutritionists love omega-3-rich meals like wild salmon and sardines because they are anti-inflammatory. As a result, they are both necessary and helpful to the entire body, including the stomach. Wild salmon may already be on your regular menu, but sardines are an excellent (and less costly) source of the vitamin.
Turmeric brown rice
Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties have earned it the endorsement of doctors. They enjoy incorporating it into their recipes whenever possible. Turmeric brown rice mixes the powerful ingredient with a source of fibre.
This is a spice that has several gut health advantages. It can aid in the treatment of motion sickness, migraine, puking, flatulence, and lack of appetite. However, you must consume it in moderation. The optimal daily intake would be 2 to 3 grammes. If you have more than that, you may have heartburn.
Beetroots are high in fibre, potassium, and magnesium. These are quite beneficial in regaining a strong digestive function. They are useful for treating issues such as constipation. To get the optimum effects, eat them raw in salads or sandwiches.
What top healthy foods list doesn’t include the powerful avocado? Avocados are excellent for gut health since they are high in fibre and contain a variety of nutrients.