The quadriceps muscles, sometimes known as “quads,” are principally responsible for hip flexion and extension at the knee joint, allowing you to straighten your knee. They also aid in the stabilisation of the patella (also known as the kneecap).
A well-rounded leg workout should include movements that engage all four quadriceps muscles. Here are some exercises you can do at home or at the gym to improve leg strength and endurance.
Quadriceps Workouts
The directions and advantages for the quadriceps exercises are listed below:
- Split squat in Bulgaria
- The standard squat
- Squat sumo
- Sit against the wall
- Pose in a chair
- Increased responsibilities
- Jumps from a box
- Lunge jump
- Squat in the front
- Raise your legs straight
The Bulgarian split squat
The Bulgarian split squat is a middle-level exercise that works the quads, hip flexors, glutes, and calves. It is a single-leg squat variation in which the rear leg is supported by a bench or box. Unilateral lower body exercises, such as the Bulgarian split squat, can aid in the correction of side-to-side muscular imbalances.
- Place yourself about two feet in front of a knee-height, level bench. Feet should be hip-width apart, chest and gaze forward, and shoulders back.
- Place your right foot forward and your left foot behind you on the bench, with the ball of your foot in touch with the bench.
- Maintain a straight spine and drop your left knee to the floor. Stop before it comes into contact with the
- After a brief pause, press the right foot into the floor while pushing the top of the left foot into the toe box. Return to your starting point.
- Perform 12 to 15 repetitions on each leg.
If you’re just starting out with the Bulgarian split squat, forgo the resistance and just utilise your body weight. Consider increasing weight once you’ve mastered the technique.
Traditional squat
When it comes to the finest overall quad workout, the squat is unbeatable. The squat is an essential aspect of any training routine because of its ability to target the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. What’s more, the finest part? They can be done with or without weight.
- Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and maintain your arms at your sides if you’re using weights.
- Engage your core and squat down gently until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Squat down using only your body weight and lift your arms in front of you.
- Maintain a straight face and keep your head up.
- Hold for a few seconds at the bottom position, then exhale and push through the heels to return to the beginning position.
- Perform 12 to 15 repetitions.
To increase resistance to the squat, use dumbbells, a kettlebell, or a barbell.
Squat Sissy
Sissy squats are a difficult bodyweight quadriceps workout. They are the ideal motion to do if you don’t have any equipment yet and are difficult enough to complete regardless of fitness level. By holding a weight plate on your chest with one arm, you may increase the resistance. If necessary, use your other arm to softly grab a sturdy place for balance.
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and your toes looking forward.
- Raise your arms to shoulder height in front of you. Hold the weight plate against your chest with one arm if you’re using weights.
- Take a deep breath, engage your core, then lean back and bend your knees as you push your hips forward. Maintain your back in a straight line.
- Maintain control while descending to your normal range of motion.
- Exhale and feel the contraction in your quads as you pause at the bottom. Return to a standing posture slowly.
- Perform 10 to 12 repetitions.
Tip: You may make this motion more difficult by squatting lower, or you can make it simpler by squatting shorter.
Wall sit
If doing this manoeuvre brings back memories of middle school gym class, you’re not alone. The wall sit is an oldie but a goodie, especially because all you need is a sturdy wall and you. This exercise isolates the quadriceps and challenges you to hold the posture for an extended period of time, which increases isometric strength and endurance in the lower body muscles.
- Place your back against the wall. Step forward until you are 2 feet from the wall. The distance between your feet should be shoulder-width.
- Shoulders and back should be parallel to the wall. Engage your core and gradually lower yourself down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Adjust your knees to be above your ankles rather than your toes if necessary.
- Hold this position for 20 to 60 seconds, keeping your head up and looking forward.
- Return to a standing posture slowly.
- Rest for 20 to 30 seconds before repeating.
- Repeat 3–5 times.
Don’t slide down to parallel if you have knee, ankle, or hip problems. Only go as far as you can while being comfortable.
The Chair Position
The Chair Position is a standing yoga pose that develops your lower body, particularly your quads, and improves your balance.
- Place your feet together and your arms at your sides.
- Squat into a chair-like stance by bending your knees and lowering your hips. As you stretch your lower back and raise your arms to the heavens, keep your weight in your heels. Keep your knees bent and your buttocks low.
- Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
- To return to the beginning position, exhale and straighten your legs.
- Repeat 2–3 times.
Make the manoeuvre more difficult by sitting lower in the chair.
Although the step-up is a great workout for all lower-body muscles, it is especially effective for the quadriceps. It also elevates your heart rate, which allows you to burn more calories.
- Place your back against a box. Choose a lower height to begin with until you feel familiar with the movement.
- If you’re just starting out, use a small dumbbell in each hand or no weight at all. Maintain your arms at your sides.
- Step forward with your right foot. Bring your left foot up to meet your right foot on the step.
- With your left foot, take a step down.
- Bring your right foot to meet your left foot on the ground.
- Rep with the right foot leading for the required amount of repetitions.
- Repeat using the left foot as the lead foot.
- Perform 12 to 15 reps on each side.
Consider a higher step or adding resistance to make the motion more difficult. You may also speed up how quickly you step up on the box.
Box jumps
If you want to improve your leg power and strength, start leaping. The box jump is a plyometric exercise that works all of your lower body muscles as well as your core.
They’re a great supplement to a sports-specific regimen or a lower-body workout. You may make the motion more challenging by adjusting the height of the box.
- Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, facing a box. Choose a lower height to begin with until you feel familiar with the movement.
- Put yourself in an athletic posture, with your knees slightly bent and your arms at your sides.
- Bend your knees and sweep your arms behind you, pressing your hips back. Explode through your toes and jump straight into the air, landing lightly on top of the box. Both feet should land simultaneously.
- Step cautiously off the box and relax before the next repeat.
- Perform 5 to 10 repetitions.
This is a more sophisticated manoeuvre. Start with step-ups if it’s too difficult. If you have any knee, ankle, or hip issues, avoid them.