
    What happens if I eat 1 egg everyday?

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    Over the years, eggs have become a rather contentious meal. Though they appear to be a safe and inexpensive protein source, there are a lot of misconceptions about their nutrition, even if it was just one egg. Eggs were reviled during the years when low-fat diets were popular. They appear to be less controversial now that fat is back in fashion (think: keto diet).

    Not to mention that eggs are one of the most inexpensive proteins in the grocery market, with many big shops charging only 14 cents per serving. They may be stored in the fridge for up to five weeks, so they won’t spoil as rapidly as other sources of protein such as meat, fish, or chicken.

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    Using one egg instead of another more costly protein on a regular basis can help you save money and reduce food waste. Plus, eggs are so adaptable that they may be used in everything from a morning frittata to a supper shakshuka (and don’t forget baked goods!). But are eggs genuinely nutritious? What happens if you consume them on a daily basis? Here’s what science has to say about what eating an egg every day does to your health over time.

    You could feel more satisfied and invigorated.

    What happens if I eat 1 egg everyday?

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    Eggs, despite their modest size and low cost, carry a powerful nutritional punch. One large egg has around 70 calories, 6 grammes of protein, 5 grammes of fat, and 0 grammes of carbohydrates. 

    The yolk, in particular, contains vital nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D, and choline, which are all necessary for our bodies to convert food into usable energy. Furthermore, the mix of protein and healthy fat offers eggs some staying power, allowing you to feel fuller for longer.

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    You may be able to think more clearly now.

    Eggs are high in choline, a vitamin that aids in the formation of cell membranes and essential neurotransmitters in the body. Choline is essential for memory, mood, muscle control, and general nervous system function, so it seems to reason that a lack of it may make you feel fuzzy (among other more severe symptoms). Because one egg provides around 6% of our daily choline needs, eating eggs can help promote a healthy brain.

    Your hair and skin may be healthier as a result.

    What happens if I eat 1 egg everyday?

    Eggs have a high concentration of B vitamins, including B2, B5, and B12. All of these nutrients serve a variety of roles in the body, including the maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Because all B vitamins are water-soluble, they do not stay in your body for long and are not readily stored, so consuming them on a regular basis is an excellent approach to ensure you fulfil your needs. Eggs are also high in amino acids (protein building blocks), such as methionine, which can help enhance skin tone and pliability, as well as hair and nail strength.

    You could have superior eyesight.

    Egg yolks include two carotenoids that are beneficial to eye health: lutein and zeaxanthin. They are essential for eye growth and healthy vision, and evidence suggests that they may even help reduce the incidence of prevalent age-related eye illnesses. Dark leafy greens are also high in lutein and zeaxanthin, so recipes like Stir-Fried Mustard Greens with Eggs and Garlic may help you up your intake.

    You could have stronger bones than others.

    What happens if I eat 1 egg everyday?

    Vitamin D is essential for a variety of biological activities. It helps manage blood pressure, decreases the risk for some malignancies and can have a favourable effect in mental health. One of vitamin D’s most crucial roles is to keep our bones strong. It accomplishes this by enhancing calcium absorption in the intestines and assisting in maintaining calcium and phosphorus levels that support healthy bone development and bone remodelling. One egg has 6% of our vitamin D requirements, so including one in your meal, every day can help keep your bones strong.

    Your cardiovascular health may improve (if eaten in moderation)

    While eggs are high in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, one of them is the contentious cholesterol. One egg has approximately 207 milligrammes of cholesterol, which is 69% of the daily maximum advised by the American Dietary Guidelines. However, ingesting dietary cholesterol does not cause your blood cholesterol levels to rise; in fact, dietary cholesterol has little effect on our blood cholesterol levels. Some studies have even contended that the DGA’s cholesterol limit recommendation is based on insufficient data. 

    According to a recent analysis in Nutrients, while numerous meals rich in cholesterol are associated with an increased risk of heart disease—primarily owing to the saturated fat content of the egg yolk—eggs and shrimp are exceptions due to their high nutritional value.

    So, what about saturated fat? We need some saturated fat in our diet, but most Americans consume much too much while consuming far too few beneficial fats that protect our hearts (and overall body). And the saturated-fat-containing meals that people consume often contain additional elements that might be harmful if consumed in excess, such as added sugars.

    The basic message is that an egg a day shouldn’t throw you over the edge, especially if you’re consuming leaner cuts of protein and plant-based protein instead of just red meat. Being cautious of your saturated fat consumption is especially crucial if you have a cardiac issue.

    Eggs are also high in heart-healthy elements such as potassium, folate, and B vitamins. According to several studies, eating up to two eggs each day promotes heart health. As with everything, moderation is key, especially if you eat eggs on a daily basis.

    In conclusion

    Eggs are a low-cost, high-nutritional-value protein that can give some health advantages if consumed on a daily basis. They are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and will keep you full and fuelled throughout the day. However, they are heavy in saturated fat and cholesterol, so keep that in mind if you have heart disease or are at risk of acquiring it. If you like eggs on a regular basis and have heart disease, restricting yolks and eating more egg whites may be a smart alternative. Check out our healthy, quick, and easy egg recipes for additional ideas.

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