
    Twist and Tone: The Benefits of Russian Twists for Your Core

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    Russian twists are a popular exercise that targets the abs and obliques, while also engaging the lower back, hips, and shoulders. This exercise is often used in core workouts, as it requires stabilization of the torso and rotation of the spine. In this article, we will explore the proper form and benefits of Russian twists.


    To perform a Russian twist, follow these steps:

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    1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Your heels should be a few inches away from your butt.

    2. Lean back slightly and engage your abs to maintain a straight spine.

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    3. Interlace your fingers and hold your hands in front of your chest.

    4. Lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your sit bones.

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    5. Rotate your torso to the right, bringing your hands and elbows to touch the ground on the right side of your body.

    6. Return to centre and repeat on the left side.

    7. Complete the desired number of reps.

    It’s important to keep your feet off the ground throughout the exercise and to keep your core engaged to maintain stability.


    1. Improved Core Strength: Russian twists target the rectus abdominis and obliques, which are essential for core stability and spinal support. As you twist your torso, you engage your abs, strengthening them with each rep.

    2. Increased Rotational Mobility: The twisting motion of the Russian twist improves rotational mobility in the spine, which is important for everyday movements like turning, reaching, and bending.

    3. Enhanced Athletic Performance: A strong core is essential for many sports, and the Russian twist is a great exercise for athletes to improve core strength and stability.

    4. Better Posture: By strengthening your abs and lower back, Russian twists can help improve your posture, reducing strain on the neck, shoulders, and lower back.

    5. Increased Calorie Burn: Russian twists are a dynamic exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, making them an effective calorie-burning exercise.


    It’s important to use proper form when performing Russian twists to avoid injury. Here are a few tips:

    1. Keep your spine straight and avoid rounding your back.

    2. Engage your abs throughout the exercise to maintain stability.

    3. Keep your feet off the ground throughout the exercise.

    4. Use a slow and controlled motion, avoiding jerky movements.

    5. Start with a light weight or no weight until you have mastered the exercise.


    Russian twists are a challenging but effective exercise that can help improve core strength, rotational mobility, athletic performance, posture, and calorie burn. By using proper form and starting with a light weight or no weight, you can safely and effectively add Russian twists to your workout routine.

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