
    Is Intermittent Fasting Causing Weight Gain? Here Are 6 Mistakes You Might Be Making-

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    Intermittent fasting has several health benefits for many people, including illness prevention, better digestion, and even reduced bloating. On the other hand, many people become locked in scheduled meals and eating periods only for the sake of losing weight. So, if you believe you are using Intermittent Fasting for weight loss, be aware that it is quite simple to do it wrong. Making intermittent fasting blunders might impede your weight loss or even cause you to gain weight!

    Consumption of little calories

    Low-calorie consumption might have negative consequences. You may not lose weight if you do not consume enough calories within your eating window. In reality, you gain it back because eating less causes you to consume more calories than you need in your next meal window. This is due to hunger; the body saves food to defend itself, and it will make the decision to store excess calories as fat rather than lean muscle.

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    Excessive calorie consumption

    Giving emphasis to what you eat is just as essential, if not more so, than when you eat. If you eat high-calorie, sugary, or high-calorie items within your eating window, you will most likely gain weight rather than lose it. One of the most fundamental intermittent fasting principles to follow is to simply maintain your calorie intake and avoid overeating because you will be fasting later in the day. Reduce your calorie intake and eat a more balanced diet that includes more fibre, protein, and water.

    Inadequate protein consumption

    Protein is essential for muscle mass and strength, as well as bone health. So, protein consumption during the eating window should be sufficient since it keeps you full throughout your fasting window, limiting your calorie intake.

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    People who practise intermittent fasting also practise intermittent drinking, which is a definite NO. Dehydration can cause muscle cramps, headaches, hunger sensations, and constipation. Always drink water in between meals since it controls your appetite, increases your metabolism, and makes exercise simpler and more efficient. All of these factors may lead to weight reduction.

    Insufficiency of sleep

    Yes, this is a key factor to consider when it comes to the dos and don’ts of intermittent fasting. It has been discovered that sleeping for the appropriate amount of hours is critical for weight loss. This is because when you wake up late, you have a heightened hunger owing to hormonal changes, which causes us to eat more unhealthy items at night. So, a really easy approach to cut it is to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

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    You are not eating all of your meals

    Taking extended intervals between meals or missing a meal will not help you lose weight. Instead, it may result in binge eating during the following meal window. So, keep a suitable space and eat till you are satisfied but not overcrowded.

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