
    Why You’re Not Losing Weight

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    One of the worst things in the world is to put in the work and not get the results you yearn for. It might become irritable when you feel you’re ticking all the right boxes but still reaching nowhere near what you need/want to be. There are bound to be a lot of variations of what you need to do to see results online on the web.

    Here are some general reasons as to why you might not be losing weight:-

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    Why You're Not Losing Weight1. Inaccurately Tracking Food
    The amount of misinformation google has regarding what food carries how many calories is mind-blowing, to say the least.
    There are loads of food tracking apps available on the Play/App Store which are not necessarily accurate.
    The most important thing while losing weight is to stay in a calorie deficit. But how is that possible if you’re not fully sure of the calories of the food you’re putting in your body? A lot of the time this misinformation leads to people not losing weight & also losing hope. Therefore, one should research more and not believe the first thing that pops up when they search for the calories in a particular food item and/or consult a professional.

    Why You're Not Losing Weight2. Drinking Sugary Beverages
    Is sugar your biggest enemy while on a weight loss journey? Yes & No. If consumed beyond certain limits, anything can become your opponent in the boxing ring. However, if consumed within limits, there’s no harm, there’s balance and sustainability. While it might make you happier from the outside, your insides would be hating you.
    If you’re drinking 1 “serving size” (600 ML) of saying, Sprite, as a random beverage to cool you down throughout the day, you’re consuming around 13 tbsp of sugar, while the AHA suggests to not eat more than 6 a day. This can be a hindrance in your weight loss journey.

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    3. Overeating Healthy Foods
    There is a common misconception that eating as much as you want of healthy foods will only benefit you as it’s healthy, right? This is not true in any way, shape, or form. Overdoing anything will only make you come back from where you started, and nobody is a fan of that. Eating 50 almonds instead of the recommended 23 will make you pile up on unnecessary calories which you could’ve consumed via other foods. What’s important is to strike a balance and inculcate all foods you enjoy, volume is the key.

    Why You're Not Losing Weight4. Overdoing Condiments
    If you ever go out for a salad, ask them to give you the dressing on the side. Most people believe that it’s a salad, it can’t be bad for me! But the dressing is the main culprit. Generally speaking, a caesar salad with a lot of dressing (to make it flavourful) can go as up to as 700 calories which could’ve been received from other meals throughout the day. Even the tomato sauce you have at home is one of the worst offenders for high sugar content. The plan is to be mindful of your condiment intake and not going overboard or getting overwhelmed.

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    We all have made these mistakes sometime around and now is the time to change. Talk to people who are professionals in this field and learn from their experience, as experience is much more trustworthy than some random website providing you with miscalculated calories for a certain food item.

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