Mind-body techniques such as yoga have been demonstrated to deal with stress while also contributing to a general sense of well-being, with claims of these benefits appearing after only one encounter. This ancient Indian method of healing can swiftly instil hope that a restoration to healthiness is possible for persons in drug addiction recovery.
Yoga for drug addiction recovery
Yoga lessons are now offered on a regular basis at many drug addiction recovery facilities. And, because yoga asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) may be done by anybody, at any time, and from any location, addicts can strive to enhance their recovery even when neither a therapist nor a sponsor is accessible. These yoga positions are suggested to assist substance abusers in bringing serenity and quiet into their daily life. Here are some other ways yoga can help you recover:
Promotes alertness
Yoga can assist substance abusers in maintaining the concentration required to be psychologically healthy and engaged in their drug addiction recovery goals. Furthermore, yoga training stresses being aware of one’s thoughts and sensations without the urge to “numb out” with narcotics.
Limits desires
Yoga helps people establish a peaceful state of mind, which helps them resist cravings. Yoga has also been proven to naturally raise levels of the pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter dopamine following withdrawal when the brain is basically deprived of the molecule.
Provokes prefrontal cortex
Long-term yoga practice assists in the development of the prefrontal cortex, the section of the brain responsible for self-control and an area that is greatly affected by substance use.
Aids in the treatment of insomnia
Yoga gives rest to the neurological system, which results in greater sleep as a consequence.
Yoga and the brain
Yoga has long been used to help reduce stress, and scientific research has shown a correlation between practising yoga and coping with stress through regulation of the response to stress, according to Harvard Health. When a person is stressed, his or her heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature rise.
Yoga may have an effect on this system by controlling and harmonizing stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline. Regular yoga practice may also increase grey matter and brain areas involved in stress management, such as the hippocampus.