Dumbbells may be utilised for a variety of aerobic and strength training exercises. Today we’ll focus on utilising dumbbells for cardio and strength training, but that’s not all they’re useful for. Dumbbell workouts may help you achieve any of your fitness objectives, whether you want to burn fat, calories, increase fitness, or gain muscle. This cardio exercise with dumbbells will get you exactly what you desire!
Goblet Squat
Pose shoulder-width apart with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes facing front. With both hands, hold a dumbbell upright against your chest, cradling the dumbbell head like a chalice or goblet. Deep squats with your knees out, back flat, chest high, and heels on the floor. After a little pause, return to the starting position.
Curtsy Lunge
Start this cardio exercise with dumbbells by holding a dumbbell at chest height in front of you with both hands (hold it close to your chest). Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, then raise your right leg, bridge it behind you, and drop your torso into a lunge while maintaining your core clenched. Then, with that leg bent at the knee, lift it up in front of you for one second, then drop it back to normal.
Dumbbell Skier Swing
Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length in front of your chest. Your feet should be hip-width apart, and your knees should be slightly askew. Bend at the hips while swinging your arms backwards, without curving your lower back. Experiment with thrusting your hips forward and raising your torso until you’re standing erect, then swing the weights up to chest level with your motion. Swing your arms back and forth.
Single Arm Over Head Press
Start this cardio exercise with dumbbells by standing with your left hand holding a dumbbell up to your shoulder (palm facing inward). Maintain a strong core and keep your shoulders down (don’t let them rise). Elevate the dumbbell over your head until your arm is straight over your head and your bicep is near to your ear, then drop it back down to your shoulder. Rep on the opposite side.
Dumbbell Squat Press
Place your feet hip-width apart. Dumbbells in front of you, arms bent 90 degrees, palms facing each other. Squat down until your thighs are slightly above, parallel to the floor. As you rise up, press the dumbbells above your head and then lower them to the starting position.
Standing Lateral Raise
Begin this cardio exercise with dumbbells by standing with a dumbbell in each hand, by your sides (palms facing in). Lean forward a few degrees and elevate the weights straight out to either side (your body will form a “T”), then gently bring your arms back down. Make sure your arms are raised at the same rate and at the same time. Repeat on the opposite side.